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De: anibaldiazalvarez@espanoldenegocios.es Date: 12.02.2012
Pour: Robots Españoles, S.A. Sujet: Reklamation Robot LOLA

Veuillez agréer les sentiments distingués,

Aníbal Díaz Álvarez

  Unfortunately, on receipt of the product I found out that the state of the robot does not reach my expectations. In your announcement you wrote the robot had all his functions operative and showed barely signs of wear.
  If I no receive any news from you I will start legal actions against you.
  Therefore, I expect from you to take the robot back completely.
  The robot does not react to all orders and has considerable scratches. In addition, the sent battery recharger unit is defective.

In my opinion it is not in order to call a Robot LOLA in this state as new and then to offer him for a completely banked price.

  Dear Company Robots Españoles, S.A.,
  Unfortunately, the opposite is the case.

on 01.02.2012 I bought at an auction with e-Bay from you the Robot LOLA.

