DIALANINet Telekomununikation GmbH
Calle Telecomunicaciones, 98, 2º Derecha 19251 Bucaramanga
Herr León de Greiff
Calle Francisca Josefa del Castillo, 69 14523 Cúcuta
Aníbal Díaz Álvarez
Avenida del Portugués, nº78
45128 Santander
Bucaramanga, 16 th Mars 2012
Project Manager
Dear Mr. Díaz Álvarez,
Thank you for your application from the 30th January 2012. In the meantime the candidates' job selection has been carried out.
We regret to inform you we have chosen another candidate. Enclosed your application documents. Many thanks for the interest to work with us in DIALANINet Telekomununikation GmbH. We wish you a lot of success in your career.
Yours sincerely,
Chief Executive Officer